Aber Consultancy Services LTD
Petroleum Product Supply
Discrete Consulting Services

Contact Us

Who We Are

Aber is a petroleum fuel supply company

With over 100 years of experience, our Petroleum Division can source and supply crude grades and refined product worldwide. As important as the product are the financial resources and logistics to ensure a successful fuel transaction. Aber also consults on energy projects including modular refineries, pipelines, tank farms, recovery methods; and oil field monitoring, up-time and security.

Aber is a discrete consultancy firm, valuing our privacy and the privacy of our clients.

We provide consulting and facilitation services to our clients, who are multi-national companies, high wealth individuals and parastatals in the following geographical areas:

The USA, Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Burkina Faso, South Africa and Mali, The United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and France, Hong Kong and Mainland China.

We have very close working relationships and strategic partnerships in all of these countries.

Our network has taken over 25 years to establish and our Principals have qualifications in the following areas:

• All aspects of Law, Structures, International Banking and Finance;
• Industrial Psychology;
• Labour Relations;
• Electronic Technologies including Internet, Embedded, IoT and Imaging;
• Production and Processing;
• Logistics and Shipping

Our range of Expertise and facilitation network extends in the following areas:

• Commodities such as Oil, Gold and Diamonds, Banking;
• International structures and finance, including banking instruments;
• Corporate affairs including incorporation of entities worldwide (UAE, Switzerland, Seychelles, BVI etc), administration and contractual drafting, negotiation and administration;
• The motor vehicle trade;
• Construction;
• Electronic product development, manufacturing, and distribution;
• Water and infrastructure

Our Clients are confidential and we guard our relationships with them and their confidential information fiercely. We normally work on referral only, but details of our Principals are available on request.

We are proud to have an ability to connect our Client and their projects in most geographical locations, setting up long term commercial relationships for them on a turnkey basis
given our large established network and multidisciplinary approach.

If you would like to learn more, please visit our Contact page.

Anyone representing themselves as a mandate or broker for Aber is not authorized to do so.
Please contact Aber to report any such offer.

We have no affiliation with iFRC Bank & Trust.

Get In Touch

If you feel Aber might be a fit for you or your organization, send us a message.

  • Email directors@aberservices.org
  • Address Dubai, U.A.E.